Character profiles are a basic element of the Batman Miniature Game. In their content they show all the necessary information you need to play with the characters you have chosen for your crew. This information will be detailed on the card so that you can locate the necessary information quickly and it is easy to understand.
You will find all the Character cards in the Batman Miniature Game App. Download it to be able to have this information on your mobile and play BMG easily!

The information contained in these cards is divided into different parts. To make it easier to understand, we will explain them in that order.
At the top of the card is yellow.

The first thing a Character card shows us is their Alias, that will reference iconic characters from the game, such as Batman. In our crew we can include all the miniatures that we want with this Alias, but they must have different Names.
For these Alias we must pay attention to their Names. These are the true identities of the Characters (e.g. Bruce Wayne). One of the main rules of the game is that you cannot include more than one miniature with the same Name in your crew, although an exception is made for the Name “Unknown” (The Joker would be an example of this Name).
Next to the Name we have exposed the size of the base on which the miniature is mounted. This will help when you are assembling your miniature to know that the base is correct.

The Rank will be represented in the middle. There are five types of Ranks: Leader, Sidekick, Henchman, Free Agent or Vehicle. All miniatures have a specific Rank that will show their role in the crew. These distinctions are important when creating your crew because they will determine how many miniatures you can include of each type. If a Character has more than one Rank available, the player will choose what that Rank will be during the game.

Next to the Rank is your Affiliation. All miniatures have affinity with specific crews that will be the ones they can join. If they had more than one Affiliation we will act the same as with the Rank, it will be the player who will decide which crew the miniature will belong to.
With the Rivals, the opposite will be done than with the Affiliations. They are the nemesis of the Characters! A miniature with a crew icon in its Rivals section cannot be included in that crew.

In the right corner we have the Reputation and the Funding. The sum of all its members' Reputation costs cannot be higher than the value of the crew agreed for a specific game.
On the other hand, the Funding is the value in dollars. Many miniatures carry powerful weapons and equipment. The value of this equipment is subtracted from the Funding of the crew (that depends on the Reputation limit agreed for the game).

In the middle of the card the Basic Skills of a Character are shown. Each skill has a numerical value assigned to it. On many occasions their values increase or decrease during the game (either temporarily or permanently) but, with the exception of Movement, Basic Skills cannot be reduced below 1.
Let's see the different Basic Skills that we have in the Character Card:
Willpower is one of the most important characteristics of the character. It represents mental strength and resilience. It is important to stand on your feet and make Efforts.
Endurance is a Skill that represents the miniature's ability to soak up damage and thus carry on fighting. This value determines the maximum number of Injury Damage markers a player can accumulate before being removed as a Casualty.

Movement represents a character's mobility. It is represented in inches and is the basic movement value that can be increased with modifiers or special rules or reduced to 0.

In the Basic Skills we also have the miniature's Attack, which is their offensive ability. This value determines the minimum result that the target enemy must score to block our attack, and the number of dice rolled when performing a Melee Attack.

Strength is the physical power of a Character. In addition to making an attack, you will roll an extra attack die (it must be a different color from the rest of the dice). This is the Strength Die. If this die makes a hit on the target miniature, it will not be able to block it.

Defense, represents the Character's defense against enemy attacks. When our miniature is the target of an attack, the rival must get at least the same result as our defense to deal damage to us. It is also the number of dice rolled when defending against a Melee Attack.

Finally, we have the Special category. This category represents a character's skill to perform special actions and determines the number of dice the miniature rolls when making a Skill roll.
With Special we finish explaining the central part of the Character Card. Below them there are two clearly differentiated sections.

The black section explains the weapons that the miniature has at its disposal along with the rules related to them.
Apart from that, the section below the card that is in yellow exposes the special rules (or special traits) of the Character.
That’s all! Now that you know the essential parts of a Character Card, it's your turn to use them wisely to play with your favorite BMG characters, carry out your strategies and win the game. In the next articles we will show more details of Batman Miniature Game. Don't miss out!