Join the BMG Sidekick Program!
Suddenly a gigantic cone of light pierces the dusk of day and etches an eerie symbol against a black cloud — the silhouette of a bat! Will you answer the call?
Enter the World Rankings, win prizes, and stand out within the BMG community!
Here at Knight Models we are looking for Sidekicks to help us expand the Batman Miniature Game and its community. With your help BMG can reach new heights and in thanks you can win exclusive products for your work in the community.
To join us as a Sidekick, please send an email to:

what is a Sidekick?
A Sidekick is a BMG enthusiast who wants to take this opportunity to become an ambassador for the Batman Miniature Game, someone who helps organize and run your community's tournaments and events.
At Knight Models we want to reward the dedication of our most devoted Batman Miniature Game players through this Sidekick program. Where you can gain access to incredible exclusive prizes for performing various tasks.
These tasks consist of demoing the game to new players, organizing events and tournaments, testing out new ideas and rules, as well as giving vital feedback to the designers.
As a Sidekick you will be an ambassador of the game and play a key role in the community. Your experience will be essential in assisting new players start their own path in the Batman Miniature Game. As well as expanding existing and crafting new communities by organizing events and tournaments.
Obviously, you won’t be alone in these tasks. Our team will be here to aid and support your needs.

You will get your own sidekick coin and this exclusive miniature!

Events and Tournaments
Complete tasks, earn rewards! Sidekicks will receive points for completing various tasks. These points can be redeemed for Knight Model products and exclusives only found through the Sidekick program. Each Sidekick also receives a t-shirt so players can easily recognize them at events as an official BMG ambassador.

Watch the Streets
An important task of the Sidekick program is to promote and attract new players through demo play.
Watch the Streets are events designed for demo games to be played at clubs, FLGS, and even conventions.
Night Raid
Game night in Gotham! Night Raid is the perfect event to grow the community and get to know one another. In these events, it's open play. Try out new crews, deck builds, combos, and new strategies without the worry of a tournament setting. Making it easier for new players to ease in. Sidekicks will be expected to assist these new players and guide them during their first journeys through Gotham.
Batmatch Event
The crown jewel of tasks, BatMatch Events! Sidekicks will be able to organize amazing events that will be scored and tracked in the BMG World Rankings. These will be sponsored with special promotional goods and prizes.
The main objective of this event is to offer a competitive environment for players to bring their all, find a place in the world rankings, and score some amazing prizes. As an ambassador it will be your responsibility to enhance the competitive side of BMG while making sure it happens in a clean and healthy way.
If you would like to join our Sidekick program, or would like more details about this unique opportunity, please send an email to:
We’ll be waiting!